
Here you can find the latest news or announcements of Royal Zoute Golf Club.

New golf teaching cabins: update

Posted on 25 January, 2019

The last few month's a new structure has been constructed next to the driving range.Next up is the finishing of the roof and installing the final outer shell.

Match Play Club Championship 2018

Posted on 01 January, 2019

The resultaten die the match play championship van be found here:
Match Play Tables

The award ceremony will take place on Saturday, January 5 immediately after the end of the New Years Years prize shotgun competition (+- 15h30) .


Hereby the explanation for the Match play championship 2018. The match play club championship is first played in a single round single stableford (October 20).

The result of this game is used as the basis for drawing up the match play tables. (see bottom)

There are 3 categories of players for both men and women, category 1 and 2 games on the Par 72, category 3 games on the Par 64. The best 8 players in each category qualify for match play. The quarterfinals are played on Sunday October 21. The semi-final will take place on Sunday 28 October and the final on Saturday 03 November.

The 1st Cat Ladies and Gentlemen will be played "Scratch" (without strokes), the other categories will be played in "Net", with allocation of strokes.

The club champions match will be honored at the award ceremony of the Christmas Prize on Wednesday 26 December 2018.

If there are qualified players who cannot participate in the quarterfinals on Sunday 21 October, the place automatically goes to the first non-qualified. So you can play a single match on Saturday October 20 without having to participate in the match play. Please inform Olivier of this when picking up your scorecard on October 20.

Rules of Golf: 2019 Changes

Posted on 27 December, 2018

As you have heard, the rules of golf are being thoroughly changed, with the main aim of making the game run faster and smoother.

These changes will take effect from 01 January 2019 and will undoubtedly make your golf game more enjoyable.

Through the video and link below you can already get a first overview of these changes.

Website R and A with full explanation.
Video with biggest changes.

At the end of February and the beginning of March information sessions will be organized at the club, so everybody can start the new season with knowledge of the new rules.