
Here you can find the latest news or announcements of Royal Zoute Golf Club.

Seniors Calendar 2020

Posted on 28 February, 2020

Dear Fellow Seniors,

The 2020 season will be kicked-off on March 6th with the Velu Vins prize, offered by François Bersou, our very good and old friend of the RZGC Seniors.

You will find the full program in the table attached to this mail: it consists of 13 competitions played on Friday’s outside school holidays in alternance with the Ladies. Thank you very much to our new and loyal donators; without them, the Senior club could not exist.

This year, we innovate with an interclub annual challenge against the Royal Ostend Golf Club on May 8th; 20 players of each club will be playing and the annual challenge will be given to the winning team during the dinner after the competition. We start this new challenge on the Ostend course but will be playing on our course in 2021.

The annual « out-of-the-country » competition will take place on September 14th-17th in Deauville; but, on the Monday, we will stop and play on Le Touquet and the next morning, we will drive to Deauville where we will be playing on 2 different courses on Tuesday and Wednesday before going back home on Thursday or on Wednesday night for those willing to stay only 1 night in Deauville. More details on prices and accommodations will follow soon.

Rules for the season are the same:

50€ for the entire season to be paid at Olivier before your first competition; subscription is the same whatever the number of competition you play during the season

50€ will also be asked for the non-playing seniors partners wishing to come to the prize givings (also to be paid at Olivier)

7€ green-fee for each competition to be paid at Olivier

Registration to the competitions on I-Golf

Prize giving at 6.30pm after the competition (except for Billecart prize) with free drinks and tapas (wine will be as usual a « grand cru » from the Senior cellar)

For each competition, the top 3 scores on each course will gain respectively 3, 2 and 1 point and each participant will score 0,2 loyalty bonus point; at the end of the season, the points will be summed up and the first 3 players (2 courses cumulated) will receive exclusive gifts.

If you want to spend nice Fridays and have fun in a relax and cool atmosphere, the Senior club is for you, don’t hesitate and come along.

See you soon

Your happy captain

Jacky Blomme

6 MarchVelu VinsFrançois Bersou4BBB
20 MarchCapitaineCapitaineSingle
24 AprilZoom-ZoomJean ParentSingle flag
1 MayGirlsBrigitte LebedoffScramble à 2
8 MayChallenge royal de la crevette griseRoyal Ostende - Royal Zoute1st édition 20 players maximum/team 70€/player, meal included
19 JuneBillecart-SalmonBillecart-Salmon4BBB
Team of 1 senior and 1 lady Prize giving on Sunday
3 JuliAmis du LundiLuc van der Schueren4BBB
27 AugustServaisNadia et Henri ServaisChapman canadien
Shotgun lunch at 2pm
11 SeptemberSparkling Michèle's prizeMrs. Michèle Blaimont, Michèle Harlaux, Michèle Herpain & Michèle Van Dessel4BBB
25 SeptemberSmart PlanMarc Meurant3B2BB
16 OctoberCoversealBenoît Coenraets4BBB
30 OctoberSoyer-MametPatrice BourgSingle
13 NovemberHannon SportsFamilie Hannon3B2BB
4 DecemberClosingSenior clubPatsome
Shotgun buffet lunch/sweet at 2.30pm

Holiday Catering Clubhouse

Posted on 16 December, 2019

Beste leden,

Ook dit jaar biedt ons restaurant weer een traiteurservice aan tijdens de feestdagen.

Hier kan u de menukaart raadplegen.

Voor bestellingen en vragen kunt u ons bereiken op het 050/60 16 17.

Uw bestelling dient te worden afgehaald vóór 16.00 u op dinsdag 24/12/2018 en op dinsdag 31/12/2018.

Bestellingen dienen ten minste 3 weekdagen op voorhand te worden doorgegeven.

Bedankt voor uw medewerking en begrip.

Het Clubhouse team


Chers Membres,

Cette année, notre restaurant offre à nouveau un service traiteur pendant les fêtes de fin d'année.

Vous pouvez consulter le menu via ce link.

Pour les commandes et les questions, veuillez nous joindre au 050/60 16 17.

Votre commande doit être collectée avant 16h00 heures le mardi 24/12/2018 ainsi que le mardi 31/12/2018.

Les commandes doivent être transmises au moins 3 jours ouvrables à l'avance.

Merci de votre coopération et de votre compréhension.

L'équipe clubhouse

Pop-up Clubhouse winter decoration

Posted on 16 December, 2019

The pop-up clubhouse has been open for the last 2 weeks and the last few kinks got worked out.

The pro shop and dressing rooms are almost finished en will open in the coming weeks.

Pop-up Clubhouse update 22/11

Posted on 22 November, 2019

This week we started with the interior of the vestiaire/showers and the pro shop.Meanwhile the pop-up clubhouse got a large part of the electrical works finished and we started with installing the interior.

Pop-up clubhouse update 15-11

Posted on 0 November, 2019

The kitchen area is almost finished, as you can see everything is available to give you an optimal culinary experience.
The interior of the clubhouse is starting to take shape and the terrace is almost finished.
Works on our pro-shop and vestiaire will start next week.

Renovation roof clubhouse

Posted on 0 November, 2019

The last fase of the clubhouse roof renovation is almost finished. Next up is the roof of the Pro Shop and the dressing room/showers.